Top Tips to Get Your Little One to Practice Effectively

Top Tips to Get Your Little One to Practice Effectively


Music is an amazing form of self-expression and has been shown to have numerous benefits for children. It can help with cognitive development, memory, language skills, and emotional regulation. However, as any parent knows, getting a child to practice their instrument can be a challenging task. In this article, we’ll explore some tips and tricks to help you encourage your child to practice their instrument more effectively.

  1. Set goals and track progress

Setting goals can be an effective way to motivate your child to practice their instrument. These goals should be specific, measurable, and achievable. For example, if your child is learning the piano, a goal could be to play a simple song without mistakes within a certain time frame.

Tracking progress is also important. Celebrate small victories along the way, like mastering a new scale or chord. This can help build confidence and motivate your child to continue practicing.

  1. Make practicing a routine

Establishing a regular practice routine can be helpful in making practicing a habit. Encourage your child to practice at the same time each day and for a set amount of time. For example, they could practice for 30 minutes every day after school.

It can also be helpful to create a dedicated practice space that is free from distractions. This could be a quiet room in your house or a designated area in your child’s bedroom.

  1. Make it fun

Music should be enjoyable, so finding ways to make practicing fun can be a great motivator. You could try playing games like “Simon Says” where your child has to play a certain note or chord when you say it. Or you could encourage them to play along with their favorite songs.

Another way to make practicing fun is to involve your child in choosing the music they play. If they have a say in what they’re playing, they’re more likely to be invested in practicing.

  1. Break it down

Practicing an instrument can be overwhelming, especially for beginners. Breaking down practice sessions into smaller, more manageable parts can be helpful. For example, if your child is learning a new piece of music, they could practice one section at a time.

Breaking down practice sessions can also help with focus. Encourage your child to focus on one specific area of their playing during each practice session, whether it’s rhythm, tone, or technique.

  1. Use technology

Technology can be a helpful tool when it comes to practicing music. There are numerous apps and programs available that can help your child learn and practice their instrument. For example, there are apps that provide interactive sheet music, metronomes, and tuning tools.

YouTube can also be a great resource. There are countless tutorials and lessons available for free online that can help your child learn and improve their playing.

  1. Provide positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement can be a powerful motivator. When your child practices their instrument, be sure to praise their efforts and progress. Celebrate their successes and encourage them to keep practicing.

It’s also important to avoid negative reinforcement. Avoid punishments or criticism when your child doesn’t practice. Instead, focus on encouraging them and finding ways to make practicing more enjoyable.

  1. Set an example

Children are more likely to practice their instrument if they see their parents practicing as well. If you’re a musician, make time to practice your own instrument in front of your child. This can help show them the importance of practicing and the joy that comes with playing music.

If you’re not a musician, consider learning alongside your child. Taking lessons together can be a fun bonding experience and can help motivate your child to continue practicing.

  1. Make it a social activity

Playing music with others can be a fun and motivating experience. Encourage your child to join a school band or orchestra or to play with friends. This can help keep them motivated and engaged in the experience!